There is no doubt that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) holds the promise of transforming the ways we live into new and more powerful ways. ICT has become a strategic resource, a commodity and foundation of every activity from technology, communication, health to entertainment. ICT now plays a major role in education, learning and research in general, agriculture, health, commerce and even in poverty alleviation by generating or creating new jobs and investment opportunities. Bangladesh as a country is besieged by poor infrastructural facilities especially in area of telecommunications. The impact of the information revolution is tremendous, the existing infrastructure, social-economic, cultural, and political situations pose major difficulties in introducing, implementing and diffusing the new technologies for internetworking. The technology and funds are not necessarily the major inhibiting factors, but the will and awareness until lately do not seem to be present in the country, although the poor telecommunication system has made the matter worse. The Bengali still find himself in a state of isolation and stagnation. With the new wave of awareness on the country, Bangladesh could seize the opportunities of the new information technology. This will amongst other advantages allow the region to fight disease, poverty and ignorance in all directions. Agriculture is the only sector through which the economic development can be obtained. To ensure this it is important to assure that the marginal farmers are getting the right information to about producing their crops. Also it should be assured that the information is reliable and the source is available. To do this the most efficient way may be an agricultural call center.
Over the course of the last two decades, call centers and contact centers have become the most preferred way for most businesses to communicate with their customers. IT professionals trained in a variety of disciplines from abroad and locally are applying their innovative ideas to maximize the benefit obtained from the information Solution. More and more international companies are seeking solutions from Bangladeshi professionals to remain competitive in the global economy. A well developed infrastructure, availability of skilled labor, software technology companies at nominal cost, and significant government incentives provide a conducive environment for the development of the IT and BPO industry. Bangladesh offers a large supply of low-cost labour and state of the art technology infrastructure for establishing world-class call centers. Companies in Bangladesh are developing hardware and software at much lower cost than our competitors. Bangladeshi trained professional call center agents will be techno-literate individuals and undergo special language training courses to ensure that callers don’t feel that they are talking to someone in another part of the world. Bangladesh now has many companies providing transcription services to clients locally as well as globally. Specialized training programs in this sector have provided the industry with a large pool of data entry operators providing low cost, quality services. The most important reason why Bangladesh is a potential market for outsourcing is a simple one. It costs less, far less, to do business in Bangladesh, than any-where else. To summarize, the main motivation factors include: 1. Government Support 2. Availability of Better Infrastructure & HR 3. Low Operating Cost .The objective of this agricultural call center will be to provide the farmers the appropriate information to increase the production of their crops, to give information about pesticides in their field, to give consultancy and information which fertilizer is suitable for his land and his crop needs which fertilizer right now, to provide information how to increase the fertility of the their land, circulating valuable information about poultry feeds and to provide information on cattle fedding,poultry,fish cultivation and many more agriculture related information.
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